Dr Erik Walbeehm, PhD

“Joining form and function”

Erik WalbeehmDr Erik Walbeehm was trained at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He gained an international reputation due to his PhD research work (2004) on nerve regeneration after arm, hand or finger injury even before he qualified as a Plastic Surgeon in 2006. After that he specialised in surgery of the hand and wrist, with a special interest in nerve damage and tendon transfers to regain function. In 2007 he passed the European Hand Surgery Board Exam, which is regarded as the highest obtainable qualification in hand surgery.

Dr Walbeehm has a long standing interested in research and over the years developed strong links with research units all over Europe (London, Manchester). He is the chair of the research committee of the prestigious Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH). He has been on the educational board of the Dutch Society of Plastic Surgery for years now and, as a teacher, he has trained many young hand surgeons.

Dr Walbeehm has extensive experience in the kind of surgery he performs at the Radetzky villa. He collaborates with will well known hand therapists in Vienna to provide you with the aftercare you need to regain function as soon as possible.

Dr Walbeehm is currently working as a specialized hand surgeon in the Radboud University Medical Centre. He is a member of the following societies:

–          Dutch Society of Plastic Surgery (NVPC)
–          Dutch Society of Hand Surgery (NVvH)
–          Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) – Council member, Chair of the research committee
–          Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS)

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